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Cardoza Moore Applauds Unmasking of Deceptive Federal Civics Legislation

For Immediate Release
July 7, 2022

CONTACT: Clem Boyd
Infinity Concepts
(O) 724.930.4003

Cardoza Moore Applauds Unmasking of Deceptive Federal Civics Legislation

FRANKLIN, TENNESSEE – Laurie Cardoza Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, is praising Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for calling out the Civics Secures Democracy Act (CSDA), a bill being considered in Congress that would sacrifice American history for Critical Race Theory.

The legislation is co-sponsored by GOP Senators John Cornyn (TX), James Inhofe (OK), and Bill Cassidy (LA). It would offer $6 billion in grants to states require the teaching of Critical Race Theory as part of the civics education of public schools across the United States.

“Such fraudulent legislation, masquerading as ‘action civics’, only hastens the downward spiral of American education,” Cardoza Moore said. “I am shocked and saddened that GOP senators are proposing a ‘Trojan horse’ of federal grants to sneak this agenda-driven curriculum on unsuspecting public-school students around the country. Gov. DeSantis is correct in calling out this dangerous bill.”

CSDA state grants would be tied to student performance on a national test, which would provide the designers of this test direct influence over state civic standards.

“Now is the time to contact U.S. senators and representatives to warn them of the dangers of this legislation and urge them instead to promote fact-based U.S. history not driven by left-leaning politics,” Cardoza Moore concluded.


To schedule an interview with Laurie Cardoza Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, please contact Clem Boyd, Director of Public Relations at 724.930.4003.

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