Laurie Cardoza Moore was featured in a recent Fox News Article regarding her position on…

“Lost Jews Of The Inquisition” Matching Grant
Dear Friend,
I continue to be amazed as interest surrounding the making of PJTN’s upcoming documentary, “The Lost Jews of the Inquisition,” continues to pour in from around the world.
The best news: One of our major PJTN donors who believes it is vital we get this production completed is making a “matching challenge grant” of $100,000 to PJTN to support the production of our documentary and our Focus On Israel programs! That means that your generous gift of any amount will DOUBLED. $100 will be matched and become $200, $500 will become $1000. The impact of your giving now through October 1st will be doubled – and your donation will have twice the impact towards reaching our $300,000 pre-production goal. Please make a decision today to become a vital part of bringing the message of The Lost Jews of the Inquisition to a global audience!
Here’s a note from an international media friend on the editorial board of Israel CNN:
“Laurie, further to your message on the ‘Lost Jews”, because of the tolerant “Republic of the Seven United Netherlands” (Holland), many prosperous Portuguese Jews fled to the Netherlands. These Sephardic Jews brought prosperity to the Netherlands. In 1639, the Portuguese Jews first built an official synagogue on Houtgracht (today’s Waterlooplein). In 1675, the current synagogue on Jonas Daniel Meijer Square was built. The monumental building, at the time the largest synagogue in the world, is still in use as a synagogue for Amsterdam’s Portuguese Jewish community.”
PJTN has a mission to uncover that truth.
We will bring to the forefront in our new documentary, the “converso” history of the Jews that is coming to the fore in the 21st century. A “converso” was and remains a Jew that was forced to convert to Catholicism in Spain or Portugal during the 14th and 15th centuries as the Inquisition raged. History shows us that the descendants and families of the “conversos” were scattered and forced to keep their identifies secret, their families, even to this day, have little or no knowledge of their history or their true faith origins rooted in Judaism.
Discussions, research, DNA testing and interest on tracing the origins of faith are increasing globally – filling in the pieces of history that were omitted or buried. Literally, with this generation, “the Jewish spark” that resides in the hearts of the remnant of the descendants of the Lost Jews is burning ever brighter in search of the truth!
Could your family be a part of the story?
I discovered my own Jewish lineage just a few years ago in tracing my father’s family roots back to Portugal. I would like to hear your story – the story of the origins of your family and how it may be rooted in the Sephardic story. Our PJTN research team will be doing extensive research and countless interviews and your story may be an important link to the story. Please email me by responding to this email. I look forward to hearing about your personal journey.
Remember: Your gift matters! Take time today to join our “matching challenge grant” and be a part of our reaching our $300,000 pre-production goal!
Thank you for continuing to stand with me and with our Jewish brethren!