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Stephanie Maier is a popular public speaker, trainer and author of twenty-five years. Calling out the evils of tyranny and empowering all people to rise by accessing their God-given rights, she’s lived and worked in fourteen countries, including Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Cambodia, Haiti and throughout The Middle East.

Domestically, Stephanie served as Regional Director for the Republican Party of Florida and worked on the Bush/Cheney 2000 Presidential campaign and the subsequent Florida recount. Stephanie was gubernatorial campaign manager for West Virginia Senator Sarah Minear in 2002 and served as Georgia’s 72-hour Director under Chairman Ralph Reed. Stephanie also worked at Americans For Prosperity for eight years, where she traveled the United States inspiring grassroots activists as the National Director of Youth & Special Programs.

Stephanie is a master trainer and expert in curriculum design for youth and adult learning. In Florida, Stephanie served three years as Principal of an at-risk charter high school, as well as the Director of Instructional Design for partner schools across the state.

As a personal mission, Stephanie educates and empowers Christians across America to be effective stewards of our inalienable rights by engaging in the issues of our day and holding elected officials accountable. Over the years, her various books and courses have been published in English, Russian, Tajik and Arabic.

Throughout her career, Stephanie has been featured in numerous articles, podcasts, and national news outlets in the United States, Cambodia, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.

Stephanie has a Bachelor’s degree in Broadcasting and Film from Boston University, a Master’s in Diplomacy and International Conflict Management from Norwich University, and has completed one year of her Doctoral studies in Public Policy with a concentration in Terrorism, Mediation and Peacekeeping. Stephanie has numerous campaign and media training credentials, including certification from the Women’s Campaign School at Yale University and the Amsterdam/Maastrich University in the Netherlands.

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