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PJTN Commends NRB for Advocacy in Support of Israel


Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN) Commends NRB for Advocacy in Support of Israel

May 21st – Nashville, TN. – Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN), a leading organization committed to educating Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with Israel, proudly commends the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) for its recent statement condemning the policies of the Biden Administration towards Israel.

In a recent press release issued by the NRB on May 16th 2024, President Troy Miller and 156 other U.S. Christian leaders called for a course correction in the Biden Administration’s approach to Israel’s war on terror. The statement highlights the importance of standing with Israel, a loyal friend and ally, in its ongoing struggle against terrorism.

PJTN stands in full support of the NRB’s stance and echoes the call for solidarity with Israel. Laurie Cardoza Moore, President of PJTN, expresses gratitude to President Troy Miller and the NRB for their unwavering commitment to upholding the values of justice and peace in the Middle East.

“Israel faces unprecedented challenges in combating terrorism and protecting its citizens,” says Cardoza Moore. “It is heartening to see the NRB, under the leadership of President Troy Miller, taking a stand for righteousness and speaking out against policies that undermine Israel’s security and sovereignty.”

PJTN reaffirms its dedication to advocating for Israel’s right to defend itself and urges Christians around the world to join in supporting the nation of Israel. As a proud member of the NRB, PJTN remains committed to fostering strong relationships between Christians and the Jewish community, rooted in shared values and a deep respect for human dignity.

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Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, Inc., a nonprofit organization whose global mission is to educate, motivate and activate Christians, Jews and all people of conscience to stand with Israel and our Jewish brethren against the rise of global antisemitism. We accomplish this goal by producing award-winning documentary films and programs and distribute them to PJTN’s 18 global media partners, reaching a combined global audience of over 2 billion potential viewers.

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