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President of PJTN condemns antisemitic and anti-Christian Zionist statements by Candace Owens



July 12th – Nashville, TN. Laurie Cardoza Moore, President of the Global Christian Zionist organization, Proclaiming Justice to The Nations is calling on the Tennessee State Legislature to revoke the House and Senate Joint Resolution adopted recognizing and welcoming commentator Candace Owens to the State of Tennessee.

“Candice Owens is once again making antisemitic statements. These statements are an embarrassment to the Christian faith, Jesus whom she claims to follow and to the State of Tennessee,” stated Cardoza Moore.

Tennesseans across the State were shocked and horrified by Owens’s comments condemning Zionists and Zionism, a term used by God when referring to Israel and Jerusalem. Mount Zion is the place where the God of Israel dwells (Isaiah 8:18; Psalm 74:2), the place where He is King (Isaiah 24:23) and where He installed his king, David (Psalm 2:6).

Owens stated that: Zionists “have polluted American minds to believe that we must defend Israel out of morality and the evils of the Holocaust.” She also called the stories of torturous “experiments” on Jewish prisoners held by the Nazis and undertaken by Dr. Josef Mengele during the Holocaust as “bizarre propaganda.” Her Neo-Nazi comments cast doubt on the horrific torture of men, women and children by Mengele.

Cardoza Moore questioned, “Did Candace bother to interview the children who were experimented on by Mengele and survived the horrifying torture? Some of those children are still alive today.”

“Sadly, I have been witnessing a growing number of so-called “conservative” Christians who are jumping on the anti-Zionist/ anti-Zionism band wagon. They hide behind the false accusations that condemning Israel is not antisemitic. However, when you ask those same individuals to state what it is specifically about Israel they are condemning, they never mention a specific policy or event. Additionally, they falsely accuse Israel of partaking in activity that never took place by repeating disinformation and propaganda sewn by anti-Israel agents. These people, like Owens, are listening to people who are not grounded in biblical truth.” stated Cardoza Moore.

Cardoza Moore continues asking: “Does Candace even study the Bible, or does she seek counsel with a pastor before she adopts these unbiblical positions? She’s either an idiot, an antisemite, or both. The next thing Owens is going to start saying is that the attack on October 7th wasn’t really as bad as Jews reported. She’ll likely repeat the lie that no babies were baked in ovens. Her reasoning: Who would do something like that?”

“But I’ll tell you who would carry out such evil, Amalek. That is why God told Israel’s King Saul to wipe out all of Amalek. God said He would wage war against Amalek in every generation and to this very day, we are still fighting Amalek. Candace Owens has become the embodiment of modern-day Amalek.”

“God told the prophet Obadiah that in the last days He would wipe out the descendants of Edom, because they stood by while their brother Jacob was held in captivity and did nothing. Candace should be very careful… judgement from The Almighty will be swift and sure. The prophet Zechariah reminds us in Zechariah 2:8 that: He who touches Israel touches the ‘apple of God’s eye’.”

As an embarrassment to all Christians of good intent towards the Jewish People, PJTN is calling on the Tennessee Speaker of the House, Cameron Sexton and Lt. Governor Randy McNally to immediately revoke the Resolution welcoming Owens to Tennessee. She does not share the values of the majority of Tennesseans, and she does not deserve the recognition which she was given at the taxpayers’ expense.

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Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, Inc., a nonprofit organization whose global mission is to educate, motivate and activate Christians, Jews and all people of conscience to stand with Israel and our Jewish brethren against the rise of global antisemitism. We accomplish this goal by producing award-winning documentary films and programs and distribute them to PJTN’s 18 global media partners, reaching a combined global audience of over 2 billion potential viewers.

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