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I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night. Ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence
(Isaiah 62:6)

Give to PJTN

Please take the time to sign up as a PJTN Watchman! What will your generous investment of $20/month do? It will put your voice and values on the frontlines in today’s “culture wars” by multiplying with the voice of like-minded people—Christians, Jews, and patriots of good conscience who want to help preserve all we hold dear!

You will be making a difference—part of the solution in the pushback against the “woke culture” and a vital part of the answer in preserving America’s Judeo-Christian values for our next generation of leadership: our children!

Your voice has never been more needed than NOW!

Give us your feedback

Please take the time to fill out the form below and let us know what you thought of the screening that you watched.

    1) Which PJTN Film Screening did you attend?

    2) What Country and City did you attend a screening?

    3) How would you rate the film and the information that was presented? (10 being the best film you have ever seen)


    4) Would you recommend the film to a friend?


    5) Would you, or your church/synagogue, be interested in hosting a screening?

    YesNoMaybe, send more info

    6) How will you utilize the information you received from the screening?

    Community actionShare with othersEducational purposes onlyNothing, I got what I neededOther

    7) What did you not like about the film?

    Too longInformation was not usefulNeeded more informationNothing, everything was done very wellOther

    8) What kind of information/content would you have liked to have seen that was not in the film? Please be as descriptive as possible.

    9) What kind of improvements can we make to future PJTN films?

    10) Additional Comments:

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