Laurie Cardoza Moore was featured in a recent Fox News Article regarding her position on…

Summer Vacation? At PJTN, We Don’t Know What That Is!
Dear Friend,
As a leader, I am frequently asked, “Why would an organization whose voice has been heard worldwide for over a decade in the ongoing war against antisemitism be concerned with what’s happening today in America’s classrooms?”
The answer is simple: Because the seeds of both hatred of the Jews and hatred of America are being sown into the minds of America’s children as early as kindergarten! The Judeo-Christian values upon which our nation was built are under mortal assault!
The key focus of attack: The hearts, souls and minds of America’s children—our next generation of leadership.
What will PJTN be doing during this summer vacation season? There is no “summer vacation” in the work we do! We will be continuing to expand the amazing results we’ve already accomplished thus far over the past few months!
• 1.8 million students in Florida are now learning of the role the Hebrew Bible played in the founding of our country, the impact it had on the drafting of our founding documents and the role it had in the modeling of our form of government in America because of PJTN’s success in the recommended adoption of Social Studies and Civic Standards by the DeSantis administration’s Florida Department of Education
• 1 million students in the state of Tennessee will be afforded that same opportunity to learn the true historical perspective of our nation’s founding as I work on the passage of the Florida Standards from my position on the Tennessee Standards Recommendation Committee; an appointment I just received in March from the Tennessee Speaker of the House
• PJTN’s voice and values, YOUR voice and values, now have a seat at the table in the influential Broward County School Board in Fort Lauderdale where I am now serving as a decision-maker on the Advisory Committee
• PJTN’s latest Taking Back America’s Children Summit on April 30 in Cleveland (Hudson), Ohio proved to be another successful event with an array of top speakers “educating, motivating, and activating” parents and patriots on the steps to take back local leadership in education! Summits have now been held in Orlando, Nashville and Cleveland with more being planned for 2023-2024
Taking Back America’s Children Summit April in Ohio
• In Jerusalem, Dr. Sandra Alfonsi, PJTN’s Senior Academic Advisor will be at work this summer providing expert reviews and assessments on curriculum and textbooks being proposed for American classrooms to keep PJTN “ahead of the game” on our positioning to best represent Judeo-Christian values in the ongoing battle against the indoctrination of our children
• PJTN In South Africa. PJTN hosts a weekly Sunday conference call with pastors and leaders, educating on the pushback on hatred and antisemitism needed in this generation — this in the very country where the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement was birthed
• PJTN Global TV Broadcasts. Our Focus On Israel TV programming continues to be our global signature with a viewing potential of 2 billion viewers from the platforms of our media partnerships. PJTN is unique on this platform—no other organization has this educational impact through television broadcasts. Our PJTN programming is educating a new generation of support for Israel with an award-winning format that combines cutting-edge information for global viewers. We are celebrating the 100th episode mark of the FOI broadcasts
• PJTN has an international voice in media. Browse the PJTN website to read my Israel365 Op-Eds as they address the crisis we’re facing on a global scale
In short – we need your help in continuing to make a difference! You can give securely online and your gift of any amount will help ensure that PJTN can do all we do at a time most needed!
• Join us as a “PJTN Watchman!” Your $20/month gift will ensure that as a Watchman, your voice and values are heard and are constantly represented and heard on the national level through the work of PJTN. Join as a “Watchman” – or give your gift of any amount!
We must – as Jews, Christians and all people of good conscience – push back against the darkness and ignorance of hatred – be it antisemitism, anti-Americanism, the rising tide of persecution against Christians in America or whatever hideous form this monster continues to take!
President/Proclaiming Justice to The Nations