Laurie Cardoza Moore was featured in a recent Fox News Article regarding her position on…

The meaning behind the PJTN logo
On occasion, PJTN supporters inquire about the meaning of the rainbow colored circular star in the Proclaiming Justice to The Nations logo. After writing a handful of emails explaining the meaning of the logo, we felt it was time to tell the story behind the logo and it’s origin.
As almost anyone visiting this site would know, PJTN is a pro-Israel organization. When President and Founder of PJTN, Laurie Cardoza Moore, was asked what she wanted to communicate with the logo she responded “I imagine all the nations of the earth locking hands and surrounding the Jewish people to protect them”. The original designer of PJTN’s first logo went with a more direct design approach and the result was sort of “paper dolls” around the globe. This logo served as the PJTN brand mark from 2012 until 2017 when PJTN decided to re-brand.
The agency charged with the task of the re-brand went back to the original concept relayed by Laurie Cardoza Moore. The result was 6 people of different ethnic backgrounds locking hands to form the Jewish star. The six unique colors represent “The Nations” surrounding and protecting Israel.
The colors of the new logo design are not meant to represent the rainbow, however, let’s give the idea some further thought. In the book of Genesis, disappointed with the overwhelming sinful behavior of the earth’s inhabitants, God decides to send a flood to wipe them out.
“Now the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth became full of robbery.” Gen 6:10
Interestingly the Hebrew word for “robbery” is “chamas”. According to some scholars “chamas” encompasses all forms of sin (sexual immorality, murder, theft, dishonesty, idolatry, etc.). However, in this case we can see that in verse 12 it was sexual immorality that had caused God to send the flood.
“And God saw the earth, and behold it had become corrupted, for all flesh had corrupted its way on the earth.” Gen 6:12
In spite of this, God wished to leave one survivor, one family that abstained from the immorality on the earth and was worthy of becoming the building blocks of a new and better future. Unlike previous generations, which did not communicate with God until after they sinned, God preemptively attempts to involve Noah in the planning for the flood and the aftermath.
Fast forward to after the flood, Noah and his family are the chosen to rebuild and populate the earth via a covenant with their creator. Noah creates an alter to God in an act of worship and God makes a covenant with Noah and his descendants to never again destroy all of humanity. What was the symbol of this covenant? You guessed it… The Rainbow.
“And the rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will see it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and between every living creature among all flesh, which is on the earth.” Gen. 9:16
With all that said, PJTN is comfortable if some want to attribute the multicolored star in our logo to the rainbow and the covenant of Noah.