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Urgent: Our PJTN Voice Must Be Heard this Week!

This is an urgent call to action. Our voice must be heard . . .

PJTN has the opportunity for our supporters to help take an important role in Florida in the state’s development of Library Media Training. This training will ultimately be required for future librarians and educational specialists serving the Sunshine State children in grades K-12. A major meeting of the Florida Board of Education (FLBOE) is being held this Wednesday, January 18, and our voices are needed!

Why should this be important to you? And what if you don’t live in Florida?

What happens in Florida, won’t stay in Florida. Their call for public opinion this week on school library content will form the training used that can ultimately begin the process of ridding schools of the inappropriate materials children are now being insidiously exposed to in their school libraries—much of it graphically pornographic or socially opposed to the Judeo-Christian values upon which America was built. What happens in Florida this week will ultimately have the attention of the entire nation and the opportunity to change the course of our educational system nationwide!

Unfortunately, the opponents of this proposed training and the positive effect it would have in “cleaning up” our school libraries are gathering their forces to speak out against the FLBOE’s efforts to enact new training.

We must act now at PJTN!

What can you do today from the comfort of your home?

If you live in Florida and are able, please consider attending the State Board of Education meeting being held in Fernandina Beach this Wednesday, January 18 at 9:00 AM ET.

The address of the Nassau County School Board Office is 1201 Atlantic Avenue, Fernandina Beach. It’s an open forum for the voice of concerned Americans – our voice – to be heard!

You can resource the meeting agenda for Wednesday’s hearing here (see action item #8)

Remember, it’s urgent that Florida’s BOE hear loudly and clearly from PJTN’s support base across Florida and the nation. Florida is crucial as a linchpin for Taking Back America’s Children!

Prayers for victory in our fight for our children’s future!

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