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Why Does Common Core Require Teaching Islam?
Written by Bethany Blankley
Should parents be penalized for demanding that their child be exempted from the required teaching of Islamic in Common Core curriculum? Should a teacher or public school administrator penalize parents and children for seeking exemption? Parents are finding out the answers to these questions first hand.
To date, public school students are required to:
- Attend public school-sponsored trips to mosques, which also require non-Muslim girls to wear head scarves?
- Question if the Holocaust was “merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain”?
- Learn Islamic indoctrination via vocabulary lessons, and world history (from an Islamic perspective), including the five pillars ofIslam?
- Pledge allegiance to the flag in Arabic?
- Have school days off for “Muslim holy days”?
- Proselytize to younger school children by creating a pamphlet about Islam to “introduce Islam to 3rd graders” by describing Allah as the same God of Christians and Jews?
- Recite in class the Shahada (“There is No God but Allah”) and kneel and learn to pray the Muslim call to prayer?
Parents must first understand the origins of Common Core, and more importantly assert their First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights– which protect their parental rights to make educational decisions for their children.
Technically, Common Core originated from the National Governor’s Association (NGA), Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), Achieve Inc., ACT and the College Board. Its state standards are copyrighted by the NGA and CCSSO, a private company, which means they cannot be changed. (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations, and Pearson Education, an NGA donor and CCSSO’s listed business and industry partner, were integral to creating these standards.)
In 2009 the “Race to the Top” federal education initiative encouraged states to receive federal money to adopt new standards that would improve their public school children’s test performance results. In order to participate, members of both state boards of education and state educational professional standards boards voted to adopt Common Core.
However, Common Core really originated from the Connect All Schools program, which is part of the “One World Education” initiative orchestrated by Qatar Foundation International (QFI). The director of QFI’s Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics is Tariq Ramadan, grandson of Hassan al-Banna who was the founder of The Muslim Brotherhood.
QFI enlisted Pearson Education to implement and assess Common Core. Pearson Education is listed on the London and New York Stock Exchange; the Libyan Investment Authority is its largest financial contributor, most recently holding 26 million shares.
According to the Financial Times, the Libyan Investment Authority was founded by Muammar Gaddafi’s son, Seif al-Islam. Along with Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia also invested in the Libyan Investment Authority to fund Pearson Education’s implementation of Common Core.
According to the Guardian, Pearson Education claims it operates in a free market as a public company and has no control over its shareholders’ alleged terrorist-related activities.
Notably, in 2007, two years before the “Race to the Top” initiative, the FBI uncovered documents revealing the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, which entailed indoctrinating American K-12 students by teaching Islam.
The seized documents were part of a 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terrorist-related funding trial in American history. The FBI uncovered an invaluable document, which exposed the Muslim Brotherhood’s manifesto “on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” (Exhibit 42945 and Exhibit 42946).
In addition to creating Common Core curriculum and standards, Pearson Education also solely evaluates teachers in some states.
In order for New York State, for example, to continue receiving “Race to the Top” federal funds, New York was required to implement “reforms.” Pearson Education now solely administers the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA).
As a result, New York State no longer evaluates its teachers — a private company does — whose primary investors allegedly finance terrorism and propagate Islam.
To date, no state or federal oversight exists for university programs (under Title VI of the Higher Education Act), which train K-12 teachers to develop lesson plans and seminars on “Middle East Studies.”
Essentially, a non-American public company largely owned by alleged terrorism financiers orchestrated the development and implementation of Common Core, defined and oversees its standards, and evaluates teacher and student performance– not state or federal agencies.
As a result, the American government handed over public school education to foreign interests. Parents have the Constitutional right to reject both the indoctrination of Islamic teaching of their children by “unreasonable state interferences.”
(Originally posted at