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Once educated about the facts, we must mobilize to action and stand up for positive change. It is not enough to politely disagree while we lose control of our schools and our country – some things are worth fighting for! We rally our supporters so they have the means to fight themselves.

Real change begins at grassroots levels!


Beliefs or behaviors of hostility toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It comes from many sources and takes many different forms from religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, or political agendas to ostracize and isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. Anti-Semitic attitudes and prejudices are often present in cultures where ignorance prevails. These attitudes and prejudices can appear mild and void of harm but often serve as the unwitting breeding ground for more serious forms of antisemitism.

Ignorance, by default, has the potential to be just as dangerous as purposeful and deliberate antisemitism. Societies, where historically, ignorance and being uninformed have been prevalent have fallen easy prey to more militant and deliberate actions of forces of government and dark societal influence.


We must push back against the use of CRT propaganda in instructional materials K-12 as well as in teacher training programs. We must raise our voices against federal funding to support the teaching of radical and divisive curriculum like CRT in America’s classrooms.


In your community and in your state—we work with people who are concerned, frustrated and ready to engage with like-minded friends and neighbors who come together to protect their communities.

Instead of blaming PC appeasers and overwhelmed “leaders,” we understand the power we possess to make the changes so critical to our communities and lives. We channel our energy into training and equipping decision-makers and lawmakers to prioritize our issues, protect the good among us and delegitimize the anti-Semitic.

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