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FOI Episode #10: America and Israel

This program focuses on the unique relationship that America has with Israel. The past and present relationship of these long allies holds many surprises and connections.

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FOI Episode #9: The World Against Israel

The UN was established out of the ashes of the Holocaust and WW2 and voted to establish the state of Israel in 1947. That UN is long gone and unfortunately has now become a bastion of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment.…

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FOI Episode #8: Political Basis for Israel

This program looks in depth at the political basis for the birth of Israel and also explains that international law gives Israel the right to the land it won during its wars of survival. The political and legal basis is…

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FOI Episode #7: Historical Evidence for Israel

We are witnessing parents and citizens nationwide who are mobilizing against revisionist American history and antisemitism. Organizations that used to be respected and trusted have bought into universalization of the Holocaust suggesting that it just one of many genocides. On…

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FOI Episode #6: Archeological Evidence for Israel

Israeli archeologists Dr. Hagi Amitzur and Doron Spielman show and explain evidence in the Golan Heights and the City of David that show the two thousand plus year evidence of Israel. The show explores the “hard” evidence in the rocks…

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FOI Episode #5: Biblical Evidence for Israel

Rabbis and pastors present scriptural basis for the establishment of the Jewish state. More and more discoveries are made each year that prove the Bible to be not only a holy text but also a true historical book of amazing…

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FOI Episode #4: Christian Antisemitism

Today, many churches are coming against God’s land and His people. Many mainline churches are actually coming out against Israel in very antisemitic and completely un-Biblical manners.

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FOI Episode #3: The New Antisemitism

Looks closely at the new antisemitism, which is based upon an anti-Israel anti-Zionist rhetoric. It emanates from the far-left, radical Islam, and the far right, and tends to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel

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FOI Episode #2: History of Antisemitism

Exposes the roots of the “longest hatred.” Also examines not only at the why and how of the holocaust – but more importantly, why did Christians stand by and let not only six million Jews be murdered, but close to…

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FOI Episode #1: PJTN 101

Introduction to the ministry and mission of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations. Includes an overview of the Focus On Israel series. 

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