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FOI Episode #100: The Hebrew Nation

According to most, the rise of modern political thought in the West resulted from secularization at the exclusion of religious arguments from political discourse. But historian/author Eric Nelson argues that political thought in early-modern Europe became less, not more, secular…

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FOI Episode #99: G.I. Jews of WWII

More than half a million Jewish Americans served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. They were rich and poor, urban and rural, religious and secular. Most were the children of immigrants who had escaped persecution in Europe.…

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FOI Episode #98: The Harbinger

Is it possible... that there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America's future? That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy? That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in…

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FOI Episode #97: NGO Monitor

Today there exists a little known global network of non-government agencies – called NGOs – that are leading the world in an effort to delegitimize and destroy Israel. In 2002, a new research institute, NGO Monitor, was founded to expose…

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FOI Episode #96: Alan Dershowitz: Defender of Israel

Alan Dershowitz is one of America’s most famous lawyers, a law professor from Harvard and a staunch defender of Israel. Although a life-long Democrat, he is often at war with his party on their foreign policy views, anti-Israel-antisemitic rhetoric and…

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FOI Episode #95: Arabs For Israel

Professor Khaleel Mohammed, an Islamic law scholar, noted that Surah 5:21 of the Qur’an, and the medieval exegetes of the Qur’an say that Israel belongs to the Jews. He translates it thus: “Moses said: O my people! Enter the Holy…

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FOI Episode #93: Constantine’s Sword

Roman Emperor Constantine's transformation of the cross into a symbolic sword that declared a formal split between Christianity and the Jews became a seed of violent intolerance in the development of early Christianity. This declaration, "Let us then have nothing…

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FOI Episode #92: New Testament Antisemitism

Many New Testament scriptures have been twisted to justify antisemitism. How can you learn how to recognize and stand against this misuse of the Bible? On our program today, you’ll hear from distinguished New Testament professor, Dr Amy-Jill Levine.

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FOI Episode #91: The Third Jihad

On our program today, you’ll meet Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim who is an outspoken supporter of Israel who has spoken against the ideology of "political Islam" and reveals an enemy our government is too afraid to name through…

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