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Love and Hate

The massive explosions of glaring hatred against Israel, Zionism and Jews all over the world have taken many by surprise. They cannot but remind us of the hatred systematically aroused by the Nazis in the 1930’s culminating in the evils…

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Chanukah: Light in the Darkness

SHALOM! I write to you from the Holy Land, beautiful Israel, where we, the Jewish people—regular individuals, young and old from various walks of life—are forced to struggle daily merely to survive in our ancestral, divinely-given homeland. With our faith…

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Thank G-d my family and I are safe and well here in Israel. At this moment my wife and I are staying in Yerushalayim. Our eldest son normally lives with his large family in the southern town of Netivot, which…

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A RABBI WRITES: Many people have increasing mistrust in the mainstream media and social platforms like Facebook and Twitter, where increasingly heavy-handed censorship set in from the time of the Covid “pandemic” and the run-up to the 2020 US elections…

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