Global Eagles calls on Congress to intervene on Israel’s behalf in the ongoing Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist attacks
(Fort Lauderdale, FL) – March 17, 2024 – On behalf of the Global Eagles (GE) organization worldwide, The Honorable Randy Avon, President of GE is calling on the United States Congress to act immediately on Israel’s behalf to force Iran, by way of its proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah, to cease and desist its ongoing war against Israel and her citizens.
Randy Avon stated; “The global officials and business executives of Global Eagles are making this immediate request before the United States Congress to step-up its efforts to secure the release of the hostages unconditionally, provide Israel, our true friend and ally, economic, diplomatic and military aide and to ensure the recognition of Israel’s right to exist in her secure, internationally recognized borders so that Israel is able to defend itself against terrorist regimes in the region.”
In response, the Global Eagles submitted a Resolution to the Members of Congress including; The Honorable Mike Johnson, Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries Minority Leader, U.S. House, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Minority.
The resolution states:
We, the undersigned international officials and business executives of the Global Eagles group, urge the United States Congress to continue 1) to provide urgent and unwavering support to Israel as it responds to the unprovoked, deplorable, and ongoing attacks from Hamas and Hezbollah; 2) to oppose these and other Iran-backed terrorist organizations such as the Houthi to foment unrest in the Middle East; and 3) to demand the release of American and other hostages without concessions.
WHEREAS the State of Israel has long been a true ally of the United States which shares our values of democracy, and
WHEREAS the October 7th uncalled-for murder, torture, dismemberment and capture of civilians, soldiers, and children from Israeli, American, and other nations should be universally denounced by all nations,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the undersigned Global Eagles urge Congress to reaffirm its commitment to Israel’s right to defend itself and to provide maximum support to Israel to send a strong message that terrorism and violence will not be tolerated or rewarded.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we urge Congress to:
Call for the immediate and unconditional cessation of Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, and other Iranian-backed terrorism and violence.
Reinforce U.S. economic, diplomatic, and military aid to Israel, strengthening its ability to defend itself against these terrorist attacks.
Urge the international community to hold terrorist groups accountable for their actions, including Hamas’ use of civilians as human shields.
Continue to call for the deterrence of Iranian support for Middle East terror groups and for these groups from entering the war.
Advocate for all states and parties to recognize Israel’s right to exist in secure internationally recognized borders.
Oppose any attempts to undermine the strong U.S.-Israel relationship and counter attempts to delegitimize Israel’s right to self-defense, and
Demand unequivocal bipartisan support from Congress and the President for Israel at this desperate time and sanction Members who incite enemies of Israel to continued acts of terrorism, murder, and violence.
Executed this 6th day of March 2024 by unanimous vote of the Global Eagles.
The Hon. Randy Avon went on to state; “With Ramadan fast approaching and the ensuing increase threats of violence, Congress must act now.”
The Global Eagles was founded by Senator Ron Silver, Hon. Randy Avon, Hon. Alan Becker, Ambassador Max Kampelman, Argentine President Carlos Menom, and the former Secretary General of the United Nations, the Honorable Javier Pérez de Cuellar.
GE is not a company. It consists of a hand-picked group of 100 Global Eagles and Eagles-at-Large from 17 countries. Under an umbrella of integrity and a Code of Ethics, GE exchanges clients, projects, funding sources, access, technologies, and investment opportunities.
Members include influential leaders, including philanthropists, former heads of state, diplomats, current and former lawmakers, investment bankers, CEO’s, officials at the Federal Departments of State and Commerce, USAID, former CIA, US/Saudi Business Council, former Secretary General of the United Nations, former Senators and Legislators and technology executives.
Global Eagles is headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Some of GE’s financial investments include; water, fuel and mining technologies, as well as innovative renewable energy systems. GE is responsible for having initiated over 20 public start-up companies, is involved in the Property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) globally and has internally structured a new public company working in development and redevelopment projects.
GE has a full medical charitable division supporting the Wheelchair Foundation, and has been involved in over one billion dollars in projects and infrastructure last year.
A prominent Fox News TV host recently said “If you are invited to a Global Eagles meeting- ‘Don’t miss it!’”
The following Global Eagles and their affiliated organizations support and helped craft the resolution:
Hon. Randy Avon – Chairman of Global Eagles
Robin Bernstein – Former U.S. Ambassador
Laurie Cardoza Moore – President, Proclaiming Justice to The Nations
Hon. Marc Adler – Former Florida Secretary of Commerce
Duvi Honig – Founder/CEO, Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce
Senator Ron Silver – Former Chairman, Southern Legislative Conference
Ric Scheinkman Brasilian – Israel Confederation of The Chambers of Commerce
Al Zucaro – Founder/CEO President, World Trade Center of the Palm Beaches
Chuck Arnold
Hon. Daniel Bass
Larry Behar, Esq.
William Fay
Marcelo Kochen
Dr. Paul Meli
Oded Meltzer
Guillermo Mondlak
Joel Ratner
Elias Sacal
David Zirulnikoff
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Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, Inc., a nonprofit organization whose global mission is to educate, motivate and activate Christians, Jews and all people of conscience to stand with Israel and our Jewish brethren against the rise of global antisemitism. We accomplish this goal by producing award-winning documentary films and programs and distribute them to PJTN’s 18 global media partners, reaching a combined global audience of over 2 billion potential viewers.